MUMBAI: The chaos caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on the industry as a whole has led Star India to defer the planned launch of Star Sports 3 HD, along with four other channels, till further intimation.
The other channels put on hold by the Disney-owned network are Vijay Music, Star Gold 2 HD, Star Movies Select, and Disney Channel HD, Televisionpost reports.
“This is to inform all distributor of television channels (“DPOs) that the launch of the following five (5) channels have been deferred till further intimation by Star,” it said in a notice.
In January, Star had revealed that it will expand its bouquet by launching five new channels in February and March. Vijay Music, Star Movies Select, Star Gold 2 HD, and Star Sports 3 HD were expected to launch on 1st February while Disney Channel HD was slated to launch on 1st March, Televisionpost had earlier reported.
Star Sports 3 HD is the HD version of Star Sports 3 which was launched in September 2015 as a multi-lingual channel that offers audio feeds in the local language of respective states. Star Sports 3 channel was launched in place of Channel V, which was shut down.
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