MUMBAI: Close on the heels of criminal proceedings being initiated by the All India Football Federation against Alex Ambrose, the sacked assistant coach of the under-17 Indian women's team, for sexual misconduct, the AIFF's head of scouting has served a legal notice on the national governing body.
legal notice
Feb 15, 2020 19:02
NEW DELHI: India may lose hosting rights of the 2021 World Boxing Championship due to non-payment of dues from the 2018 women’s world championship and the hosting fee for the upcoming event, Mumbai Mirror reported on Saturday.
Feb 11, 2020 18:02
NEW DELHI: Acting against what they claim is the unilateral termination of the Pro Volleyball League, three of the six franchises in the PVL have sent a legal notice to the Volleyball Federation of India.
Nov 30, 2017 15:11
KARACHI: The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) on Thursday sent a legal notice to the International Cricket Council (ICC) to set up a dispute resolution committee for adjudicating the matter of the BCCI's failure to honour the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the two boards in 2014.