
CRICKET IS NOT A SOLITARY game, and a single player has never been able to shoulder the responsibilities of the entire team. Technology has played an integral role to bind the spirit of the game alongside players, coaches, commentators, and fans. From its origins as rural recreation in England, in the 16th century, to its modern-day status as one of the most global sensational sports, technology has been instrumental in the evolution of international cricket and its dynamic formats.

Aug 07, 2009 07:08
Jul 29, 2009 18:07
Jul 27, 2009 07:07
POLITICAL intrigue, government interference and internal conflicts were all present at the ICC meeting last week in London. Nothing new there you might think, but the difference was that the ICC History Conference in Oxford was actually a remarkably positive affirmation of what was good in the game despite two days of swopping stories about some of cricket's most controversial turning points. 
Jul 23, 2009 20:07